About Watershed Councils

Interactive Online Council Mapping Tool

What are watershed councils?

We are based in local communities across the state of Oregon. We are led by experts in natural resources and guided by boards made up of local community members. We assess and monitor environmental conditions, and conduct voluntary conservation projects to restore and enhance the waters and lands for native species, and for people. We work with local partners, like landowners, community members, companies/industries, elected officials and municipal/state agencies. Since 1997, the Oregon legislature has encouraged local governments to form watershed councils through Oregon Statute 541.910

The Network of Oregon Watershed Councils (NOWC) represents 55 watershed councils statewide. Our councils vary in location, size, and organizational structure, and operate in both urban and rural areas. You can find us out there improving fish passages, removing invasive weeds, and creating water storage opportunities in our forests and wetlands. Join us in our mission to preserve and enhance the beauty and vitality of our watershed communities!

List of NOWC Member Watershed Councils 

Region 1 – North Coast

Columbia River Estuary Study TaskforceAstoria503.325.0435dlofman@columbiaestuar.org
Lower Columbia WCSaint Helens503.433.3205allan@whitingenv.com
Lower Nehalem WCNehalem503.368.7424lnwc@nehalemtel.net
Midcoast WCNewport541.265.9195evan@midcoastwc.org
Necanicum WCSeaside503.717.1458necanicumwatershed@gmail.com
Nestucca, Neskowin & Sand Lake WCPacific City503.965.2200nnwc@nestuccawaters.org
North Coast Watershed AssociationAstoria503.468.0408northcoastwatershedcouncils@gmail.com
Scappoose Bay WCScappoose503.397.7904info@scappoosebay-wc.org
Siuslaw WCMapleton541.268.3044watershed@siuslaw.org
Upper Nehalem WCVernonia503.429.0869maggie@nehalem.org
Board Representative:
Andy Maggi, Board member, Scappoose Bay Watershed Council

Region 2 – Southwest Oregon

Applegate Partnership & WCJacksonville541.899.9982dlofman@columbiaestuary.org
Coos WA Coos Bay 541.888.5922cooswa@cooswatershed.org
Coquille WACoquille541.396.2541info@coquillewatershed.org
Elk Creek WC Yoncalla 541.836.7206russell.leland@gmail.com
Illinois Valley WC Cave Junction541.592.3731kevin@ivstreamteam.org
Lower Rogue WC Gold Beach541.247.2755kelly@currywatersheds.org
Partnership for the Umpqua RiversRoseburg541.673.5756eric@umpquarivers.org
Rogue River WC Central Point541.423.6158info@rogueriverwc.org
South Coast WC Gold Beach541.247.2755miranda.gray@currywatersheds.org
Board Representative:
Miranda Gray, South Coast Watershed Council

Region 3 – Willamette Basin

Calapooia WC Brownsville541.583.3626operations@calapooia.org
Clackamas Basin WCClackamas503.303.4372info@clackamasriver.org
Coast Fork Willamette WC Cottage Grove541.767.9717coordinator@coastfork.org
Columbia Slough WC Portland 503.281.1132info@columbiaslough.org
Greater Oregon City WC Oregon City503.374-8279admin@gocwc.org
Greater Yamhill WC McMinnville503.474.1047luke@gywc.org
Johnson Creek WC Portland503.652.7477daniel@jcwc.org
Long Tom WC Eugene541.654.8965info@longtom.org
Luckiamute WC Independence503.837.0237director
Marys River WC Corvallis 541.758.7597holly@mrwc.org
McKenzie WC Springfield 458.201.8150jared@mckenziewc.org
Middle Fork Willamette WCLowell541.937.9800contact@middleforkwillamettewillamette.org
Mollalla River WatchMolalla503.559.0885molallariverwatch@gmail.com
North Santiam WC Stayton503.930.8202council@northsantiam.org
Pudding River WC Woodburn503.982.5387cleanpuddingriver@gmail.com
South Santiam WC Sweet Home 503.982.5387s.richardson.sswc@gmail.com
Tryon Creek WC Lake Oswego530.902.7528alexis@tryoncreek.org
Board Representatives:
Alexis Barton, Tryon Creek Watershed Council
Dov Weinman, Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council

Region 4 – Central Oregon

Crooked River WC Prineville541.447.8567chris@crwc.info
Hood River WGHood River541.386.4588cindy@hoodriverswcd.org
Klamath WPKlamath Falls541.850.1717info@klamathpartnership.org
Lake County Umbrella WC Lakeview541.219.0493bdneider23@gmail.com
Middle Deschutes WC Redmond541.699.3202middledeschuteswc@gmail.com
Upper Deschutes WC Bend541.382.6103kknight@restorethedeschutes.org
Wasco County Area WatershedsThe Dalles541.296.6178
Board Representatives:
Chris Gannon, Crooked River Watershed Council
Autumn Muir, Lake County Umbrella Watershed Council

Region 5 – Eastern Oregon

Grande Ronde Model WCLa Grande541.663.0570jesse@grmw.org
Harney County WCHines541.573.2000hcwatershedcouncil.com
Malheur WC Ontario541.881.1417diebelk12@gmail.com
Owyhee WC Adrian541.372.5782agreenowc@qwestoffice.net
Powder Basin WC Baker City541.523.7288pbwced@qwestoffice.net
Board Representative:
Jesse Steele, Grande Ronde Model Watershed Council

Region 6- Mid Columbia

Gilliam-East John Day WC Condon 541.384.2281gilliamwc@gmail.com
Mid John Day-Bridge Creek WC Fossil541.468.2990midjohndaywc@wheelerswcd.org
North Fork John Day WCLong Creek541.421.3018info@nfjdwc.org
Sherman County WC Moro541.565.3216
South Fork John Day WC John Day541.620.5739astiner@outlook.com
Umatilla Basin WC Pendleton541.276.2190umatillawatershed@gmail.com
Walla Walla Basin WC Milton-Freewater541.938.2170troy.baker@wwbwc.org
Board Representative:
Hannah Latzo, South Fork John Day Watershed Council
Kristen Walz, North Fork John Day Watershed Council