Member Services

The purpose of the MSC is to review, assess and improve current services and benefits available to NOWC member organizations; and to identify and develop opportunities for additional services and benefits. 

Chair: Region 5: Shannon Richardson, Executive Director, South Santiam Watershed Council


Region 2: Kelly Timchak,Coordinator, Lower Rogue Watershed Council

Region 4: Kris Knight, Executive Director, Upper Deschutes Watershed Council

Region 6: Debra Bunch, Coordinator, Mid John Day/Bridge Creek Watershed Council

At-Large: Rich Margerum, Professor, Director of the School of Planning, Public Policy and Management; University of Oregon College of Design, NOWC Board Vice President

Ex Officio:
Terri Preeg Riggsby, Executive Director, Network of Oregon Watershed Councils

Kristen Walz, Executive Director, North Fork John Day Watershed Council; President of the NOWC Board

In 2021, a student team from the University of Oregon Master of Nonprofit Management Program surveyed member Watershed Councils, to learn more about which member services NOWC values, what can be added, and what can be improved. They analyzed the survey results and developed a report and presentation which our committee will use to guide future improvements. Check them out!